Wednesday, 31 December 2014

2014 in Quilts

The best way a quilter can look back at the year passed and summarise her achievements is in number of completed quilts. :-)) 
Here are mine. Quite a varied mosaic picture - I do enjoy both piecing and machine quilting and trying to combine them both where I can.
My machine quilting has become so much more professional this year -  will need to find ways to do more of it in 2015. 
At the same time, I still enjoy making modern-ish )) quilts.
I found a lot of joy and freedom in creating things this year, not just quilts  - anything. That really helped to get some relief from all the stress and turmoil that my dear Ukraine has been going through... And I know Ukraine will survive and I will take my son Alexander to see his grandmum after a long enough break. 

And my wish to all of us quilters for 2015 is: 

Keep quilting!!! :-) x


  1. Поздравляю с Новым годом!!!!

    1. Спасибо большое, Людмила! С Новым Годом!!!

  2. Танечка, с Новым годом, счастья!

    1. Ленусик, спасибо! И тебе всего самого прекрасного!
      Нам всем мира!!! ххх
